Swiss Grand Award for Dance 2017 goes to Noemi Lapzeson

Noemi Lapzeson - choreographer, dance teacher and founder of the Vertical Danse company in Geneva - receives this year's Grand Award for Dance in recognition of her pioneering achievements in contemporary dance.

Noemi Lapzeson © BAK, Adrian Moser
Noemi Lapzeson © BAK, Adrian Moser

On the recommendation of the Federal Dance Jury, the Federal Office of Culture recognises the work of Noemi Lapzeson, a dance practitioner who has played a key role in the development of contemporary dance in Switzerland. Noemi Lapzeson was born in Buenos Aires in 1940 and studied dance in New York where she was also a soloist in the Martha Graham Company; from 1969 onwards she helped establish the London Contemporary Dance Theatre together with its school. Since arriving in Geneva in 1980 she has mentored and inspired several generations of Swiss dancers. The award carries prize money of CHF 40,000. For more information, images and video, see Swiss Dance Awards

Press releases

Further information

Swiss Grand Award for Dance 2017 / Swiss Dance Awards 2017 (PDF, 429 kB, 24.10.2017)Swiss Grand Award for Dance 2017 / Swiss Dance Awards 2017

Specialist staff
Last modification 20.07.2018

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