Save the date – presentation of the Swiss Performing Arts Awards 2021

The first Swiss Performing Arts Awards presentation ceremony will take place on 28 October 2021 at the Théâtre du Jura in Delémont. The names of the winners will be announced on 2 September.

Théâtre du Jura
Théâtre du Jura
© Pierre Montavon

The merger will increase the visibility of the full spectrum of the performing arts. It will also allow the Hans Reinhart Ring, which was instituted in 1957 by the Swiss Association for Theatre Studies (SGTK), to be presented once again in all areas of the performing arts. The first venue will be the newly built Théâtre du Jura in Delémont, which opens in autumn. The form of the ceremony will be dictated by the pandemic situation. In any case, the event will also be available in digital form. For further information on the Performing Arts, see:

Last modification 27.04.2021

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