Swiss Grand Award for Theatre / Hans Reinhart Ring 2019

Yan Duyvendak
Yan Duyvendak
© BAK / Gneborg

Yan Duyvendak was born in the Netherlands. He studied at the École cantonale d’art du Valais and the École supérieure d’art visuel in Geneva and, after spending time abroad in Barcelona, Berlin and Marseilles, is now back living in the Swiss city. He uses the expressive resources of the visual and performing arts to explore social and cultural phenomena, but he is also attracted to popular manifestations of culture such as computer games, video, variety and musicals. Through his experimental forms, which he has increasingly developed with other performers in recent years, he reaches an extraordinarily wide audience in both French- and German-speaking Switzerland, and also tours worldwide.

For further information see the Swiss Theatre Awards website:

Specialist staff
Last modification 06.05.2019

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