The Federal Office of Culture (FOC) supports the diversity of film in Switzerland from the development stage, production, distribution and theatrical release of a project to supporting film heritage and the access to cinematographic culture (festivals, publications, training). International promotion is assured by the promotion agency “Swiss Films”.
Due to its small size and language diversity Switzerland must rely on an international network and regular co-productions. FOC supports around 20 international coproductions every year. Most of these include a clear artistic and technical cooperation between coproducing partner countries (most European Council countries as well as Canada and Mexico. The funding schemes are based on selective, automatic or on cash rebates criteria.
Other very important film funds include the national tv as well as regional film funds.
Coproducing with Switzerland Flyer (PDF, 2 MB, 29.04.2024)A concise brochure presenting the coproduction possibilities with Switzerland to inform foreign producers.
Federal Office of Culture
Section Film
Hallwylstrasse 15
+41 58 462 92 71