Baukultur policy

A high-quality Baukultur for Switzerland!

That is the mandate of the interdepartmental policy for the promotion of Baukultur (interdepartementale Strategie zur Förderung der Baukultur). The federal government has clustered its Baukultur activities within this policy and coordinates it as part of a comprehensive Baukultur policy.

The Baukultur policy addresses current social and space-related challenges, such as climate change, the energy transition, inward urban development and demographic change. The federal government aims to realise its vision of high-quality Baukultur for Switzerland through seven policy goals and the implementation of 41 specific measures. In doing so, the government is consolidating its pioneering role and committing to high-quality Baukultur in its role as developer, owner, operator, regulator and sponsor.

The Federal Office of Culture (FOC), as project lead, developed the 2016-2020 Baukultur policy in cooperation with 15 federal offices. The Federal Council approved the policy on 26 February 2020 and commissioned the responsible federal offices with its implementation. For the 2024-2027 legislative period, the Federal Council approved the Baukultur Action Plan on 15 December 2023 and commissioned the implementation of ten further measures.

The FOC coordinates the federal government’s promotion of Baukultur and implements its own measures. It is committed to mediation and education in Baukultur, training professionals in Baukultur skills and building networks among involved parties.


Federal Office of Culture
Section Baukultur
Hallwylstr. 15
3003 Bern
Phone +41 58 462 86 25

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