The non-mandatory "Principles of the Washington Conference on Nazi-Confiscated Art" of 1998 (the "Washington Principles"), which were adopted by the Swiss Confederation, recommend that when claims to restitution are made in connection with Nazi-looted art, fair and equitable solutions should be found between the pre-war owners of the works in question or their heirs and those who own the art works today.
The Swiss Federal Council commissioned the Federal Department of Home Affairs (FDHA, Federal Office of Culture) and the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA, Directorate of Political Affairs), in collaboration with the cantons (Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education) and the associations representing the museums (Swiss Museums Association; Swiss Art Museums Association), to draw up the following memorandum, which details factors serving to contribute to the achievement of just and fair solutions in connection with restitution claims relating to Nazi-looted art.