Federal Registry / Cantonal Registries

The Federal Registry for cultural property of the Confederation of significant importance for the cultural heritage has entered into force on July 1st, 2014.

Cultural property of the Confederation of significant importance for the cultural heritage of Switzerland is registered in the Federal Registry (CPT-Registry, Art. 3 Federal Act on the International Transfer of Cultural Property, CPTA, SR 444.1). The registration in the Federal Registry reinforces the legal protection of the concerned cultural property, insofar as it may neither be acquired by adverse possession nor acquired in good faith, the claim for return is not subject to a statute of limitation and its definitive export from Switzerland is prohibited


1. Export Permit for registered Cultural Property

Whoever desires to export cultural property registered in the CPT-Registry from Switzerland requires authorization of the Specialized Body for the International Transfer of Cultural Property (Art. 5 CPTA). The application for an export permit must be submitted, at the latest, 30 days prior to the intended export from Switzerland (Art. 3 ff. Ordinance on the International Transfer of Cultural Property, CPTO, SR 444.11).

2. Request for Registration

If a Federal Institution intends to register or remove cultural property from the CPT-Registry, it must address the request to the Specialized Body for the International Transfer of Cultural Property (Art. 6 Ordinance on the Federal Registry, SR 444.12).

3. Cantonal Cultural Property Registries

Cantons, which regulate the export of cultural property within their territories, can publish their Registries by displaying their link here.

The following cantons have a public cantonal cultural property register:

St. Gallen

Contact Point: Fachstelle Kulturerbe, Mail

The following cantons also have a cantonal cultural property register.
However, these are not public and further information can be obtained from the following authorities:


Contact Point: Sammlungen Archäologie und Museum Baselland, Mail
Contact Point: Sammlungen Römerstadt Augusta Raurica, Mail


Contact Point: Amt für Kulturgüter KGA, Mail


Contact Point: Ufficio dei beni culturali, Mail


Contact Point: Service des affaires culturelles, Mail

Last modification 22.03.2023

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Federal Office of Culture
Specialised Body for the International Transfer of Cultural Property
Hallwylstrasse 15
3003 Bern
Phone +41 58 462 03 25

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